Bailey Matthews honoured at SPOTY

Bailey Matthew, the eight-year-old from Doncaster who became an overnight sensation after his feats at this summer’s Castle Howard Triathlon, has been honoured with the Helen Rollason Award at tonight’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards.


Bailey, who has cerebral palsy, competed in his first-ever triathlon at July’s Castle Triathlon Series event, racing the 100m lake swim, 4km bike and 1.3km run ‘Garfield’ event in Yorkshire.

As Bailey approached the finish of the run, he dropped his walking support with 20m to go and completed the home straight unaided. Hundreds of spectators lined the chute – some roaring their support, others in tears – as the eight-year-old tumbled a couple of times before picking himself up to cross the line into arms of his proud parents, Jonathan and Julie.