Fallout 76’s New Ultrawide Mode Comes Under Fire From Players

Bethesda has irked PC players with the new 21:9 resolution support in Fallout 76’s latest patch.

This week’s Fallout 76 patch saw a number of changes roll out for the game, including adding ultrawide screen resolution support. However, players on Reddit have discovered that the new ultrawide mode appears to be nothing more than a modification to the INI file, meaning that 16:9 aspect ratio has been stretched to meet the wider resolution, rather than being a true 21:9 display.

The result is that, while the game appears to render correctly in 21:9, the UI doesn’t adjust accordingly, stretching unnaturally.

Redditor AbheekG took screenshots of the game’s ultrawide mode comparing it to unoffical ultrawide mods for both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, commenting that, “A modder without access to the source code did what Bethesda didn’t in a whole month!”

A number of other commentors in the thread have experienced the same result after the patch.

The unofficial workaround to get the game to support ultrawide resolutions by simply editing a line of code in the INI files has been around since launch, so players aren’t too happy that the official 21:9 resolution support is nothing more than a stretched version of the 16:9 display.

Patch also added a number of fixes, including a bug in the Feed the People event quest, which has seen players asking the developer to roll back the fix. The bugged version resulted in a server-wide reward of Canned Meat Stew regardless of player participation in the event. Since the update, players have taken to Reddit asking Bethesda to “unfix the Feed The People event.”

Bethesda has said it may drop one more patch before the end of the year, before it shifts its focus to 2019 updates, which will include new content for the game, as well as “many additional bug fixes, and more changes” based on player feedback.

Shabana is a freelance writer who enjoys JRPGs, wine, and not finishing games. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.