Chemshun Ceramics’s Return For Work on Feb 10, 2020

Chemshun Ceramics’s Return For Work on Feb 10, 2020.

Affected by the novel coronavirus, our government announced all enterprise close still February 9.


On February 10th, Pingxiang Chemshun ceramics co.,ltd is in normal business operation after our government approve us. All the people of Chemshun ceramics and the families are health. The government made a series strict check to our factory for the work of prevent novel coronavierus.


In the following days, Chemshun Ceramics adopts the suggestion from the expert for prevention and control of the coronavirus and executes strictly the rules for the clean and clear of the office and production environment, guaranteeing the safety and segregation of the workers and avoiding close contact among people.


Thus,our production and operation activity go on well, we can normal provide the wear resistant ceramics for customers , Welcome the customers’ enquiries.


We believe that China can overcome this coronavirus.

Keyword: ceramic ball

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